Christa's Blog

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries-----A. A. Milne

Monday, August 21, 2006

Today was my birthday!

I am the big 2-8!! Michael took me to dinner on Saturday to Market Street Grille. We had a GREAT rib...mmmm!! He is taking me to see Tracy Byrd next week in Provo. Tracy Byrd sings our song..."Keeper of the Stars." I have been wanting to see him in concert since Michael and I got married...almost 6 years ago!! Mom sent me these BEAUTIFUL flowers!! I LOVE yellow flowers...especially Roses and Sunflowers!

Here are the flowers from my mom and dad! Aren't they pretty?!?!?!

Here is a close-up.
Here is another close-up.
And here is the ballooon that came with the flowers.

First Day of Preschool

Well today was a GREAT day!! William and Isaiah started Preschool!!!!!!!!! They are in a small home-preschool and there are 12 kids in thier class. They will go 3 days/week for 2 1/2 hours a day! They have been asking "when are we going to school?" for 3 months when I finally was able to tell them "today" they were SOOOO excited!! They are getting to be such big boys! While W&I were in preschool, Grant and I went to Target. He didn't know what to think without his brothers around to bother him!

Here they are before school. I have NO clue what Grant was looking at!

Here are William and Isaiah at the house before preschool.

Here is Isaiah and William at thier school with thier nametags. Good thing for nametags...she will be able to KINDA tell them apart...LOL

Monday, August 14, 2006

More pics of the boys

Here we are in our outfits that Grandma made us!!

Aren't we cute??

Lovin' thier rain coats!!

William and Isaiah with "big boy" haircuts!

Silly Grant!

Picture Test

This was taken in June. The gash in Michael's head is from where he tried to change out the garbage disposal under the sink and loosened the screws too the thing fell on his head. Thank goodness for the "glue" stitches!!

My First Post

Ok so I am new to this "blog" thing so bear with me. I started this to share pics and other info with far away friends and family...ENJOY!!